Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Energy, scarce in origin

Energy, today's one of the most spoken words in day to day life. Every human being is unknowingly affected by this crisis all their lives.
Energy sources have become type of a luxury item during the recent past as the main natural resource, the crude oil started gambling with peoples' lives. Due to many economical and political reasons the price of crude oil increased itself by more than 250% of its original price. This affected to almost every aspect of daily lives of all as transportation cost rose sky high. This gave way to price hike in all commodities which paved way to increased living costs all over the world. Most economies started suffering as many business entities started drowning in the high operating costs.
After most of the trades collapsed the oil price finally came back to normal dropping itself to its earlier stages in price. And the citizens expected with relief that all the prices will come down as the most essential cost came down. But alas. None showed happy faces!
Amazingly not a single thing in the market moved down. Not even OIL.
Every trader, manufacturer started to take opportunity. They keep the commodity prices at hike blaming the oil price and try to make the lost profit during the recent past.
Who is to blame? The government? Or God?

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