Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Food for thought.

" We should try American foods more" exclaimed my husband. For some time it didn't boost any thoughts in my mind. But suddenly it was too loud in my head! Is my cooking that bad? I asked him straight. I wanted to know!. "Your food is just fine", came the answer. Am I to believe that...

Today we went to the public library. My daughter liked the kids area with lots of books and she loved to watch other children reading. We borrowed few board books for her and headed upstairs. There we went around and finally took a couple of books. Most interesting books we had chosen to be were on cooking. My husband had found a book called "365 easy one dish meals". Well that was fun. One-dish meals are really popular in this country. And when everybody's busy with work and life, balancing out family time has become a crucial necessity.

So I'm going to give it a try. May be my husband meant it when he said my cooking is fine. Or else I just have to assume that way. Still the traditional Sri Lankan foods will have to dominate our meals or otherwise my daughter will be lost in between two worlds of taste, wondering where she belongs.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Developed, they are!

Today was a hectic day for me. One way I went out on shopping, which I didn't enjoy that much! I know, it is quite unbelieveable from my point of view (which female is there who wouldn't enjoy a shopping spree??!), but the main incident today was a free ride day in CityBus! Well, we missed the bus and had to take a walk to catch the next. The hot Sun did not help us at all. And when we finally caught the Bus, it was halfway packed with children. As my little girl still too small to stand and go in the Bus, I had to carry her and get in. I basically did not have a place to keep my self properly. In one hand I was carrying Hazelle and from other hand I was holding one of the bars to keep me balanced. Too bad to say, there were many a people who was staring at me but did not offer to help. I carried Hazelle for about half way of my journey and I just couldn't believe what was happening.

I kept wondering. Sri Lanka, my motherland is a heaven, a Land like no other. Nobody will go through an incident like mine in our country. Because, our people are more developed than people of these so-called developed countries. We have a strong foundation of ethics and moral discipline embellished our lifestyles. The kindness and support of our people are priceless.

So I say to this world, please try to evaluate a country by both morality of its people as well as wealth it possess. Because money is not Everything!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My daughter....

Today after some rainy cloudy dark dull days (I'm serioous!) we have sunshine! Its remarkable how this nature plays in our daily lives. One moment the Tornedo warning buzzes and in next fifteen minutes its hardly cloudy...

Momentum of life... It never stops its hand on the shadow of the soul. Changing its visibility, affecting the rythm of flow.

It seems yesterday that my Daughter was born and I can remember how hard it was for me that very first day. I survived because my mother was there to help me. Next my husband starting his studies and my struggle into caring the baby.. After six months we coming together again and moving to US... And another six months have passed and my daughter is almost one year now. Time has created a steady platform for me to play my part in this world. This last year has taught me a load of lessons and made both catagories of people who like me and dislike me as well.

I learnt that I just simply cannot satisfy everybody. I needed to figure out the priorities and to whom I should pay more of my attention to. Because I had a small baby-doll who was continuously seeking my 100% love and attention.

Now she has grown to a lovely toddler whom still won't leave my side for a break. She may outgrow that in a few months or she may not. But rest assured, I will always be there for her.

I love you my little darling daughter and may you grow to be a better mom than me!